JGURPS (Java GURPS©) project intends to create a Java package that can be used as base to create any kind of GURPS©-based game. The main objective is to create something that hides most of GURPS© complex rules without losing any detail of GURPS© system.


Web site update!
Project is reborn! Everything restarted from scratch! YES, FROM A MODEL!!! Since the model looks quite nice, I believe this project is taking a step further.


Project Characteristics

About Development

As a hobby project, this project had no previous study and was no way planned, designed, modelated or engineered. Fortunately (or not), some model will be created (or not) in order to build the more complex features. For now, we are programming acording following the basic set book. Notice that this does not mean there is no program quality at all. We are following Java SDK 1.4.1 programming standards and JavaDoc documentation standards.

Although this is a hobby project, I decided to restast from sketch, and, this time, a real sketch (model) was done. After some time working on the project I got lost and started refactoring all that was done before, and so on - put here all the problems in a non-planned project. Then I had to put it on hold for some time, and then when I got back all the ideais were kind of blur. Because of all that I decided to kind of throw everything that was made in the trash and restart all over again, but this time I am doing it right - or the most correctly I can. SO, this time I spent a lot of time working on a UML model of the classes, taking advantage of the Object Oriented Modeling knowledge I have acquired with my professinal and academic experiences - in fact, I am taking Object Oriented Programming this semester and it has helped me a lot on this.

I know there is another (older and much more advanced) identical project, but this is something i wanted to do from the start. Besides, the objectives may not be the same, the designs are different... so a created a new one and that is it :) The other project is known as eGurps.

Design Decisions


GURPS© (and related) is copyright of Steven Jackson Games. Java© is copyright of Sun. Maybe there is other copyrights here and there too. Since this is a free project, I think there is no problem, but if that is not the case, please contact us. The JGURPS Project itself is licensed by GNU GPL. Read more about it in the Project Characteristics section.